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Thursday, 03 November 2022 13:24 Written by John Reardon

Hello my Foodie Friends!  

Many of our foodie friends love to experience new flavors and approaches to cooking. Recently, I had a conversation with a fellow foodie on their discovery of making gnocchi [nyoh-ki]. I shared my love story with these tiny dough dumplings that are most typically made of semolina, parmesan cheese, flour, eggs, salt, and potatoes. It began while watching the matriarchs of my family make them. I grew up watching my grandmother, mother, aunts, and cousins get together and create the dishes that were reflective of our Italian heritage and customs. I loved sitting at the table watching them make gnocchi while talking half Italian and half English (I am sure the Italian parts were what they did not want me to understand!). They would roll the gnocchi by hand in preparation for our large family. I would pay close attention to their hands as they would make the perfect dough. Sometimes, if I was good, I was allowed to stand on a chair and help them roll out long ropes of dough. Back then, they used gnocchi boards that were identical to the ones made today This simple gadget is still around and is a perfect tool in creating the shape of the gnocchi which is important for the sauce to cling to it. The ridges made by a gnocchi board are characteristic of classic gnocchi. When making gnocchi and using a gnocchi board, you place a small piece of dough on the board and roll the dough away from you using your thumb to press gently against the ridges. This will cause the gnocchi to roll into a slightly curved shape and leave an impression on the dough. While using the gnocchi board, generously flour the board to keep the gnocchi from sticking. Since the board is made of wood, we do not recommend putting it in the dishwasher. Instead, hand wash it. 

At Compliments to the Chef, we carry gnocchi boards to assist with making homemade gnocchi. The Gnocchi Board easily forms pasta dough into authentic Italian gnocchi. The ones we carry are made in Italy from natural beechwood; easy-grip handle maintains the perfect angle and keeps board steady for easier use. The board has ridges that help shape pasta and add texture which will hold more sauce; works nicely as a cavatelli maker, too. The gnocchi board forms a more consistent shape than using a fork; won’t flatten delicate dough; same size pieces cook more evenly and make a more attractive presentation. The board is easy to use and clean; wipe with a dry cloth or brush. Once you make your gnocchi, you can add it to what ever your favorite sauce is. Be creative and have fun creating some unique combinations. 

Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store, located at 33 Railroad Place to assist you with finding the cool tools to help with your culinary creations. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life happens in the Kitchen.”

Take Care, John & Paula



Read 433 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 November 2022 13:36