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Mona's Dog Blog: Ronda's Waiting for Spring

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Dear Mona,

This is my first winter in NY. I’m not sure about this cold white stuff! And how the heck are you supposed to chase squirrels on ice? Oh and I can’t believe these hair snowballs. HAIR SNOWBALLS? My family moved here last summer from Florida and I feel so unprepared and hopeless. Why does it stay so cold for so long up here? Will this weather ever end? #forgotwhatgrasssmellslike

 Save a sister,





Dear Ronda,

You now live in the Northeast. Believe me, you will learn to appreciate those breezy warm summer nights very quickly. I like to think that experiencing all four seasons keeps you a grounded k9. You may not be spoiled with perfect grass all year long, but you get to build snow forts! And jump in leaf piles! And snuggling up in blankets is so cozy! I understand that it can be a tough adjustment, so here’s a tip: when you start to hear the birds in the morning, that means sunshine and warmth are on the way.  #moreseasons=moreadventures

High Five,


Hi. I’m Mona. I’m a dog. I’m also a local entertainer and reporter. To clear up any confusion on my breed, I am a two year old Pucker (half pug, half cocker spaniel). Some people call me a comedian, others call me a genius but the truth is that I’m just a really good communicator. I love singing, leg pits, bacon, networking, smooching, and giving advice to my friends. Let’s have a giggle, high five!

Follow me daily: https://www.facebook.com/MonaLouiseBeers

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