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Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:51 Written by John Reardon

“Pie is...the secret of our strength as a nation and the foundation of our industrial supremacy. Pie is the American synonym of prosperity. Pie is the food of the heroic. No pie-eating people can be permanently vanquished.” - The New York Times, 1902

Hellomy Foodie Friends!   

This weekend begins the festivities to celebrate the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July is more than just a celebration of summertime — it’s a time to celebrate our freedom and how far we have come. 

Among my favorite Independence Day to do’s is to watch the fireworks by the water (ocean or lake) while eating homemade apple pie. Apple pie seems synonymous with picnics and celebrating our country. 

A tool that can help with making Apple pies is the Apple Peeler. The Apple Peeler will peel, slice, and core at the same time, by simply turning the crank handle. It is the perfect kitchen tool for all varieties of apples and a great time saver. The Apple Peeler combines three steps into one. Place an apple on the fork, turn the handle and let the Apple Peeler do the work for you. The stainless-steel blades will peel, slice and core the apple as the handle turns. The result is even, 1/4” slices that are ready to eat, dehydrate or use in a recipe. The adjustable peeling blade will cut as much or as little of the peel as you’d like. The peeling blade can also be removed completely if non-peeled slices are desired. The all-in-one slicing and coring blade can also be removed when peeling potatoes. The tension on the peeling arm is controlled by a spring so it conforms to the shape of the apple or potato giving you a perfect peel every time. The durable, cast iron body is longer than other peelers to better handle larger apples or potatoes. The convenient suction base mounts to any smooth, non-porous surface, allowing it to be used even when counter space is scarce.

Having the right tools to bake a pie is important. Virtually all pie-making equipment will prove useful for other baking chores as well, so each piece will be sure to earn its keep. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, these are the pie-making essentials It is difficult to make a great pie without a great pie plate. Pie plates come in a variety of styles, and the differences aren’t just aesthetic—a pie plate’s material, thickness, and color all affect the final product.

A pastry brush is the easiest way to apply a thin, even egg wash over pies with a double crust, like a classic apple pie. Choose between the natural (or thin nylon) bristles or the thicker silicone style.

After you’ve rolled out pie dough, a sturdy bench scraper will make quick work of any mess. It will scrape up all the flour and stubborn dough scraps left behind, helping you clean up in a few easy swipes. Plus, it’s handy for dividing blocks of dough without scratching the counters.

If you’ve always felt anxious about rolling out pie dough, it’s worth playing the field to find a rolling pin that makes you feel confident in the kitchen, while choosing the best rolling pin is a highly personal process.

Stop by Compliments to the Chef, you Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located on 33 Railroad Place in Saratoga Springs, to help you make your American festivity recipes. As we celebrate our freedom, let us not forget to thank those who have fought for our country to give us this day. Remember my Foodie Friends: “Life Happens in the Kitchen.”

Take Care, John & Paula

apple pecan pie

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