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Friday, 28 March 2014 10:12

Reshaping Mind, Body and Soul: Local Businesses Give Back To The Community

Written by Monique Boulet
I recently became a member of Reform, a True Pilates Studio at 18 Division Street, Saratoga Springs. Entering the studio, you cannot help but be impressed with the charm of the rooms, the soothing colors and lights, the cleanliness and the overall way everything flowed so freely. We began with few private lessons with Pilates instructors Arielle and Cindy. They both were very well trained and well versed in their teachings. After connecting my mind and body to the work and appreciating the lengthening and strengthening of engaging my core with the rest of my body, I realized that this was a completely different type of workout than I had done in a while and it felt good to mix up my routine. I also had an opportunity to sit and chat with owner, Meghan Del Prete. Meghan started her practice on Broadway but found a space on Division Street for her expansive and growing business. I was interested in learning more about a new program she has implemented this year called “Pilates for a Purpose.” “I honestly believe that I have the best job in the world. It is a privilege to work with so many great clients and staff every day teaching Pilates, and it is exciting how the studio has grown over the last few years,” Meghan Del Prete said. “I am happy to have a way to give back to the community that has done so much to supports us.” It’s easy to have a true appreciation for Meghan’s mission, and her desire to help give back to the community. “Pilates for a Purpose” is part of Meghan’s Community Outreach Program. It is an hour Pilates mat class suitable for all levels. There is no fee for the class. Donations are accepted for a different non-profit organization each week, and 100 percent of the donations are given to a non-profit group. Donations should be in the form of cash or check written out to the non-profit. Each Saturday schedule for these classes and the non-profit group who the proceeds will go to are at Some notes to those taking one of these free classes: If this is your first time visiting the studio, please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork and settle in. Please wear comfortable clothing and socks. If you own a yoga mat, please bring it. Please discuss any injuries or physical limitations with the instructor before the class begins. If you are a business, corporation, food establishment or non-profit organization and have some news you would like to share on your healthy initiatives, I welcome the information. We are, after all, working together to create one of the healthiest areas in the world! Monique Boulet RD, CDN, CPT (518) 312-6309 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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