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A Word from Mathiesen

Thank you to the 580 Democrats who voted for me in the June 27 primary. Thanks also to the many people who contributed to my campaign and to those who made my candidacy possible by getting my petitions signed. Our small group of hard-working volunteers helped with mailings, literature distribution, letters to editors, display of my lawn signs, campaign logistics and advice.

Congratulations to Ron Kim who won that primary.

On November 7, I will be on the ballot on the One Saratoga line. I hope to see further support for the Mathiesen for Mayor campaign. I continue to be the mayoral candidate who has had the most experience on the City Council and who has had a record of significant accomplishment. I believe that we can have progress without chaos with civility and respect for all. 

With the support of conscientious Democrats, Republicans and non-affiliated voters, we can win in November. I will be reaching out to all in the coming months as I seek your support.

– Chris Mathiesen