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Local Residents Respond to Proud Boys Rally with One of Their Own

Saratoga Springs Mayor Ron Kim speaking during Stand Against Fascism rally on Broadway on Aug. 6, 2023. Photo by Thomas Dimopoulos. 

Saratoga Springs — On Saturday, Aug. 5, three dozen members of the Troy-based Proud Boys chapter held an unannounced rally in Saratoga Springs. 

Eight days later, approximately 100 members of the local community responded with its own gathering, billed as “Stand Against Fascists Marching in Our Community.” 

Among those who spoke during the Sunday afternoon event were current City Mayor Ron Kim, county Supervisor candidate Gordon Boyd, and city Public Safety Commissioner candidate Kristen Dart. Elections are in November. 

Former Public Safety Commis-sioner Robin Dalton, and former city Mayor Ken Klotz also attended.