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New Live Project Sept. 9 Depicts Collaborative Improvisation of Music and Art

ROCK CITY FALLS — An improvisation-based performance – highlighting the open collaborative process of music and live painting between the artists – will take place 3-5 p.m.  Saturday, Sept. 9 at The Barn at Rock City Falls, located at 710 Route 29, Rock City Falls. 

Titled EQUILIBRIUM – the collaborative improvisation takes place between the Rock City Falls Trio’s electric harpist Alex Chang, double bassist Jason Handron, and percussionist Adam Forman and NYC-based visual artist Christian A. Mendoza. The performance is supported by a Saratoga Arts Community Arts Regrant.  

EQUILIBRIUM plays with the ideas of both finding a healing calm and working toward balance between the intersection of the lived experiences that the artists bring to the performance and also the current precarity that they find themselves living within — a world on a delicate perch amid current climate-induced crises of soaring temperatures, flooding rains, and an uncertain futurity — while navigating a search for empathic connection. 

Their work includes a reimagining of the late renowned Japanese free jazz artist Masahiko Togashi’s Pray arranged for this performance by Forman and moves through original themes by the trio that culminate by contemplating possible futures in the work in constant dialogue with Mendoza’s large format live painting in situ. 

The performance is free and open to the public with limited seating as well as live-streamed online and documented by filmmaker Stephanie Ching (After Spring) underlining the importance of the live component of the improvisation process. 

For more information, follow the link at: https://tinyurl.com/equilibriumimprov.