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CCE Virtual Program: Dining with Diabetes

SARATOGA COUNTY – Cornell Cooperative Extension is hosting Dining with Diabetes, a virtual program via Zoom on Mondays, January 24 and 31 and February 7 and 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Adults with type 2 diabetes (or those who are at risk of type 2 diabetes) and their family members, caregivers, and support persons are invited to participate in Dining with Diabetes.  This free virtual program will help you learn the skills needed to promote good health while living with diabetes.   Dining with Diabetes is an Extension program taught locally by Karen Roberts Mort, MS of Cornell Cooperative Extension Albany County. 

Participants will learn how to read the new food labels, count carbohydrates and plan meals using the Plate Method. There will also be time to discuss ways to stay motivated to eat healthy and stay active during the current health crisis. This class offers opportunities to connect with others who are dealing with diabetes. Healthy recipes, cooking techniques and even ideas for making healthier choices at restaurants and grocery stores will be shared with the group.  A Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist has been invited to attend one of the sessions. 

Please register at www.cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErf-ygqD4jH9f5xxKk0V3Il8E0bFtmCbCc in order to get the Zoom link for the series. For help with registering or any questions, contact Karen from CCE Albany at kem18@cornell.edu or leave a message at 518-765-3552.