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“Because I’m the Mother That’s Why!”

Hello  my Foodie Friends!   

This week both my wife and I celebrate our birthdays (having a birthday one day apart from each other was one of the many reasons I married her!). My birthday also reminds me of my mother who I lost years ago. I think about her every day. Back to school time brings back memories of my childhood and the chaos of getting five children to do their homework, eat dinner, brush their teeth and get to bed every school night. I often reminisce about the work my mother had in raising three boys and two girls. The family dinner was a very important mealtime during my childhood. Especially with going back to school, my mother was insistent that we were home and ate as a family during that time. Often times she had to explain why she chose a particular meal choice or why she wanted us to wash our face and hands before dinner. My mother was very patient but always used her standard answer to any of these questions: “I’m the mother that’s why.”  The biggest thing for my mom was to have the whole family eat dinner together. Even if Dad had to work late, she would have us wait. To tide us over she would let us snack on a glass of milk or some fruit. We would have an apple, pear peach or plum.  No crackers or bread. Having dinner with freshly washed kids and a great meal ready for my Dad was a sense of pride for her.  Dinnertime was special. There wasn’t a lot of conversation but my father would look at my mother with a very tired smile and say “you are the best”.  I think about these meals we had together often. Recently, when a friend of mine whose whole life is about going to meetings, told me he could not miss an upcoming family meal. I asked him why?  He said it was the last day before school started and they had a tradition to have a least that dinner together as a family and he would not miss it for anything. 

I know it’s maybe not popular but if I was asked, what’s important for the American family, I believe it’s sitting down and having that meal together every night. Chances are, when you think “family dinner” you imagine hearty, hot, home-cooked meals, served nightly.  Perhaps rethink out your expectations and take some of that pressure off. Maybe you commit to gathering for a meal once a week, possibly every Friday evening. The point is to eat together — regularly. I can honestly speak to this challenge. My wife and I were two ships passing in the night. Our lives were filled with long days, and the balance of sporting events and after school activities for our children. Dinner time was very much a challenge. Look at your family’s schedules – is there one night that looks more manageable than the others? If so, make that “family meal night.” Put it on everyone’s calendar and plan on being home at a certain time 

 We all know that families should eat together, but sometimes it’s tough to find the time. Work, school, sports practices and other obligations all seem to get in the way. As we all are working through our hectic schedules, remember that family time is the most important time. Eat together as a family, share stories, talk about your day, listen to each other, enjoy good food, and remember to compliment the chef. Bring your family together for at least an hour a day. Meal time is family time. 

Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place to get the cool tools you need for your family dinners. Remember my Foodie Friends: “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

Take Care, John & Paula