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Letter to the Editor

I am a candidate for Public Safety Commissioner in Saratoga Springs. I recently attended the 9/11 commemoration in Saratoga Springs with a heavy heart. I come from a family of law enforcement, firefighters, and construction workers and many paid the ultimate price that day. We should never forget their service and should never forget we were attacked by terrorists that day on our own soil.

On 9/12, my opponent, Kristen Dart, held a press conference where she incorrectly stated that I put innocent Muslims in jail in a case I did shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Ms. Dart also falsely connected a case from a different area of New York state with my case in Albany to justify her claims, even though I had no relationship with that case. Her actions and judgment were inappropriate and alarming. 

I plan to operate my campaign based on the facts because our Democracy depends on facts to survive so I am taking the time to correct the record. Additionally, I am proud of the work of the FBI, and the United States Attorneys’ Office, and all our partners and Task Force Officers, who worked so hard to keep America safe.

In the case I worked, Yassin Aref and Muhammed Hossain were convicted after trial and the conviction was upheld by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. According to Judge Homer, “Mr. Aref espouses and has adopted the goals of terrorist organizations and has had an ongoing relationship with terrorist organizations.” In addition, Aref made an entry in his personal journal which stated, “take the war to America and Israel” and also noted to “Raise the Jihad sword…Raise the Koran with blood.” 

This community would benefit if Ms. Dart would accept my invitation and join me in a public forum at which she can raise her concerns and I could address them.

– Tim Coll