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City Council Wrap-Up: Saratoga Springs Adopts Resolution Supporting Israel; Jury Verdict in Mount v. City

 Samples of signage anticipated to soon be welcoming visitors
to the city of Saratoga Springs. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS — City Council Meeting: Oct. 17. Mayor Ron Kim led a moment of silence for the nation of Israel and a remembrance of civilians lost and those being held hostage, and the council’s four-hour meeting concluded with the board’s unanimous approval of a resolution condemning “atrocities committed by the terrorists of Hamas,” and the “unqualified support of the State of Israel and the Israeli people.” 

Tuesday night’s meeting marked the final official gathering of council members prior to the Nov. 7 election; all five council seats and both city supervisor positions are to be voted upon, and new two-year terms will begin January 2024. 

Democrat mayor Ron Kim is running for re-election. Both challengers to the mayoral seat – Republican candidate John Safford and One Saratoga candidate Chris Mathiesen, as well as Supervisor candidate Michele Madigan (D, One Saratoga), and local Democratic Party Chairman Otis Maxell spoke during segments where public comment was allotted. City Republican Committee chairman Michael Brandi released a statement that said litigation was served on the City at the Council meeting, and that he had commenced court proceedings to compel the city to address two FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) requests he is accusing the city of ignoring.  

Welcome to Saratoga Springs 

City Supervisor Matt Veitch offered a presentation showcasing new signage anticipated to be placed at entry and exit points in and out of Saratoga Springs in the near future.     

“When you travel out of the city of Saratoga Springs you always see a sign welcome to the next town – welcome to Wilton, welcome to Greenfield – and it’s always bothered me as a native Saratogian that we don’t do the same thing on our side,” Veitch told the council. 

The welcome signs that do exist display a variety of styles, fonts and sizes, Veitch pointed out. The new signs – large ones at major thoroughfares such as the exit 14, exit 15, and Route 9 entrances to the city, smaller ones to be placed on the more rural entry and exit points, will have more uniformity and consistency in style. The front side will feature a welcome for people coming in to the city, and a “thank you for visiting” text will appear on the back. 

Veitch said he worked with city DPW Commissioner Jason Golub, as well as the county Public Works department among others and that the county set aside funds for the signs to be created. The large signs will be put out for bid by the county, Veitch added.  

Free Pop-Up Health & Wellness Clinic for the Creative Community 

Finance Commissioner Dillon Moran announced a Free Pop-Up Health Clinic will take place 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 22 at Caffe Lena. 

Services will Include: Vision Care Clinic Including Exams and Eyewear, Custom Molded Earplugs, Blood Pressure Screening, Dietician Consultation, HEPC/HIV Screening, Insurance Navigation, Cancer Screening Services

Saratoga Hospital volunteer medical professionals will provide testing, evaluation, health & wellness education, as well as assistance obtaining access to ongoing care during a one-day pop-up clinic, free to anyone in the creative community. This includes artists, musicians, designers, photographers, filmmakers, writers, and all others who work in a creative capacity.

The goal of this service is to enable individuals in the creative community who are uninsured or underinsured to access healthcare in a trusted environment so they can enjoy the best possible quality of life.

For more information, go to: caffelena.org/health-clinic/. 

City Connections

Jen Dunn, of the city Planning Department, delivered a 15-minute presentation regarding the department’s Missing Links Sidewalk Program. Dunn defined “Missing Links” as stretches of city pathways where sidewalks lead nowhere and discussed the remedies to fill in those gaps. 

Missing Links Program Brings 1.8 Miles of New Sidewalks to the City Saratoga Springs, New York, October 17, 2023 – Mayor Kim congratulates the Planning Department on the, which strives to fully connect downtown to more neighborhoods and places in Saratoga Springs. 

Between 2022 and 2023, the project completed 1.8 miles of ADA compliant sidewalk segments and crosswalks within a one-mile radius of the City’s urban core. The majority of the project’s funding was provided by a $1.52 million grant through the 2019-2024 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). After reimbursements are received later this year and next, the ultimate cost to the city will be approximately $382,000. 

Jury Verdict in Mount vs. The City of Saratoga Springs

A few hours prior to the start of the Oct. 17 meeting, the jury in Mount vs. The City of Saratoga Springs, after a two-week trial, ruled in favor of the city. During the council meeting, city Mayor Ron Kim spoke about the trial outcome, with slight variations to the commentary released to the press earlier in the day.     

“Darryl Mount’s death 10 years ago was a tragedy. The loss of a young man and fellow Saratogian left a void in our community,” Mayor Kim said. “I’m glad a jury finally had the opportunity to weigh the evidence and reach a decision, and I am gratified the city will now not face further liability. It’s always been my view that because of the failure to conduct an investigation 10 years ago into the death of Darryl Mount, a jury trial was the only way for a final decision to be made. Jury trials are a foundation of our democracy, as much as voting is. Clearly, the jury deliberated, listened to the facts, listened to the adversarial proceeding and rendered a judgement. It is unfortunate that we had to wait 10 years for this decision.”

A resolution declaring the City of Saratoga Springs a Safe Haven for Trans Youth was tabled with the understanding it will be brought to the table for discussion and vote at the council’s next meeting on Nov. 8.