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Mayor Kim Deserves Our Support

We are in grave danger when we see “Proud Boys” on our local streets, and the national GOP bending over backwards to accommodate the worst right-wing saboteurs. Remember that in Saratoga’s last mayoral election, the Republican candidate would not even acknowledge that Joe Biden was President. Little has changed; deceptive texts are falsely claiming that a crime wave exists in Saratoga Springs. The facts say otherwise. Guess what major party’s modus operandi is fearmongering.

Despite much disinformation, Mayor Kim has accomplished a considerable amount, ranging from expanding workforce housing to securing a homeless shelter. Yet for me, the most important achievement is the creation of a local civilian review board. This feat speaks to a profoundly American ideal, that the law pertains to everyone equally. It includes not just civilians but also those brave individuals charged with enforcing it. I support the police over those who commit criminal acts, with police who cross the line included in the latter. That so few police do validate their professionalism and integrity. Nevertheless, the rule of law pertains to all. 

In a very contentious time, Mayor Kim courageously embraced the tough issues that have long needed to be confronted. He deserves our support. 

– Al Ormsby, Saratoga Springs