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Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation Receives $30K Grant for Phila Street Rehab House

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation recently kicked off the final stretch to raise the remaining $100,000 for its Revive 65 Campaign. 

Matthew Veitch and Tara Gaston, Saratoga County Supervisors representing the city of Saratoga Springs, announced the county awarded the Foundation a $30,000 grant towards the rehabilitation of 65 Phila St.

In addition, the Carruth Foundation offered a $35,000 matching gift to encourage others to support reaching the goal. 

The long-neglected 1851 Alexander A. Patterson House had been on the Foundation’s endangered list for over 20 years and threatened by demolition. In 2021, the Foundation purchased it with the intent to stabilize the Italianate building, execute environmental abatement, and complete an exterior restoration. 

“As someone who was born and raised in Saratoga Springs, I understand the importance of preserving historic buildings. The building at 65 Phila Street was on the Foundation’s endangered list for a long time. While I was board president, it was always a strategic goal of mine to rehabilitate a building. I am glad to be able to provide this grant for the rehabilitation at 65 Phila Street and help further their mission,” said Supervisor Matthew Veitch, in a statement.

Since acquiring the house, work was done behind the scenes to plan the project and raise necessary funds. The grant helps the Foundation begin the final phase of the project. Over the upcoming months, contractors and volunteers will finish the porch restoration; install historic windows; complete siding repairs and painting; reinstall the historic front door; and develop a landscape plan. To accomplish these goals, the Foundation needs help to raise the remaining $100,000 by Dec.15 to underwrite the cost of the labor and materials. 

Net proceeds from the sale of 65 Phila Street will go towards future community preservation projects. To learn more about this project and other initiatives from the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation, please visit saratogapreservation.org.