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Tang Announces Final Events for ‘Forms of Awakening’ – Free Solo Concerts This Weekend

Techung will appear in a free solo performance Dec. 2 at The Tang. 
Photo by Sonam Zoksang.

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College this week stages the final events held in conjunction with the exhibition Forms of Awakening: Selections from the Jack Shear Collection of Himalayan Art. 

Forms of Awakening presents traditional Tibetan objects from the Jack Shear Collection alongside work by contemporary artists of Tibetan heritage. The exhibition is on view through Dec. 10. 

Saturday, Dec. 2, 4:30 p.m. – Gade’s Ice Buddha and Curators’ Tour. This special presentation features an ephemeral artwork by the Tibetan artist Gade and a Curators’ Tour of Forms of Awakening, led by Rachel Seligman, Assistant Director for Curatorial Affairs and Malloy Curator at the Tang; Ben Bogin, Associate Professor of Asian Studies at Skidmore College; and Ariana Maki, Associate Director of the Tibet Center and Bhutan Initiative at the University of Virginia.

Saturday, Dec. 2, 6 p.m. – Continuum: Solo Performances by Techung and YESH. Reflecting the pairing of traditional and contemporary visual art in Forms of Awakening, Continuum features solo performances of traditional Tibetan music by Techung and contemporary Tibetan music by YESH. Students will lead a public tour of the exhibition at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 7. 

All events are free and open to the public. For more information, call the Tang Visitors Services Desk at 518-580-8080 or email tang@skidmore.edu. For the latest information, please visit https://tang.skidmore.edu.