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Child Safety Concern in Response to Homeless Shelter

I thought the article, Permanent Homeless Shelter – Problem Solved, Problems Arise, was a really good article. It was a fair report showing the needs of the homeless population in the city as well as the dangers Catholic school children will face having a homeless shelter right next to their school. I’m reading a lot of comments online from people who support the homeless at the risk of a child’s safety. I can’t help thinking they would not make those comments if these were public school children.

The city would never put a homeless shelter next to a public school. And the outcry from parents would be deafening and understandable. All children deserve a safe place to go to school and a safe buffer zone to walk to and from their bus and athletic field. No amount of fencing will stop the mentally unwell and homeless from getting close to these children.

It appears the city council’s disdain for families who choose a private and religious school is so great, they are willing to endanger these kids.

– Jennifer Richard