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2023 Spring Seedling Sale Opens at Saratoga Tree Nursery

SARATOGA COUNTY —DEC operates the Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery, which produces tree and shrub seedlings for conservation plantings on public and private lands. Native New York seed sources are used when available. The nursery’s annual spring seedling sale is open to all interested customers in New York and bordering states.

The Saratoga Tree Nursery is located just south of Saratoga Springs on Route 50.

View the 2023 Trees and Shrubs Brochure (PDF) for a list of this year’s available species, their size, and their cost, as well as ordering information that is also found on the webpage. That may be found at: www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/treenurserybrochure.pdf. 

The seedling sale runs from Jan. 3 through May 12. All orders are filled in the order received. Some species sell out quickly, so order early. Ordering by Phone: 518-587-1120, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is the best way to get the latest availability information and get your order in sooner.