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Thank You, Mike

Mike Veitch deserves a long overdue thank you for saving spring and fall thoroughbred training at the Saratoga Racecourse.  The average of over 600 horses in training generates close to $1,000,000 for our community. 

But in early 1988 it was rumored that spring training in Saratoga was going to end.  Mike, a long term thoroughbred enthusiast and historian decided to see if he could help his friends in the racing industry.

Mike enlisted a group of Saratoga residents to travel to NYRA headquarters in New York City.  NYRA officials informed the Saratogians that the rumor was true and a decision was being discussed due to the major expenses of training.  

Returning to Saratoga, Mike secured commitments from local and national trainers to bring their young horses to Saratoga each spring and full and to pay a small dailt fee to partially cover some of the operating costs.

The plan was accepted by NYRA and training has continued at the Oklahama each spring and fall.

Thank you, Mike.   

– Anonymous