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“Here’s Looking at you, Kid”

Hello my Foodie Friends!   

We hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. The holiday season is a great time to reminisce and bring up the stories that are told time and time again. Many family traditions have to do with holidays and holiday food and the stories that soon become part of our traditions. These traditions can strengthen family bonds, contribute to your childrens’ identity and well-being, and create lasting memories. 

While we sat around the kitchen table, my wife Paula brought up a story about our time together before having children. That is when our one baby was our dog Bogie. He was named after Humphrey Bogart and he loved to roam between our house and our neighbors next door. This was before invisible fences, and we didn’t have the money for a regular fence. Bogie was a German Shepherd/Black Lab mix puppy when we rescued him. His color was pure black, and he grew very fast to 100 lbs. of muscle. He was the happiest dog in the world and loved by both our family and our friends next door, Ron and Deedy, whose children were now grown. Bogie could make anyone feel like they were his favorite person in the world. He would go over to visit Ron and Deedy every day. They were passionate foodies and were always cooking something fabulous. Bogie would wander over to their house and always came back carrying leftovers which were usually a big steak or ham bone. They loved him as much as we did. Bogie would, however, test your love from time to time by taking food that wasn’t offered to him. There was the Halloween party that stopped dead in its tracks as all of our guests watched in amazement as Bogie took an entire pizza down the hallway and quickly devoured it. He never stole food from Ron and Deedy until one day when his thievery reached legendary status on Thanksgiving 1989. There was a knock on our door, and it was Ron. He had his head down and in a sad voice he said, “John, Bogie stole two of the mincemeat pies I had baked for Thanksgiving.” I responded to Ron with a mixture of denial and embarrassment; “are you sure, how do you know”? Ron said he put his pie on the roof of his brand new 1989 Mercury Marquis, which had three miles on it, in the garage to cool. When he opened the garage door to go out, he forgot to close it. When he came back, there were no pies. However, there were paw prints on the hood of his beloved Marquis. Those prints then headed in the direction of our house. Ron and I then found the empty, perfectly cleaned, pie tins. I apologized and offered to pay for the pies, but Ron laughed and told me not to worry. He said he would have to think of a new place to cool his pies and remember to close the door next time. Although it has been many years since this happened and Ron has passed away, we can still hear Ron’s voice as he would always tell this story like it happened yesterday. 

Wondering what Bogie did that infamous day after eating the pies and where did we find the dog after his caper? He was curled up by Paula’s legs in the kitchen sleeping it off. I think this was “the start of a beautiful friendship.”

At Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store, we carry everything you need to make your favorite pie or dessert this season, including cooling racks (versus the roof of a Mercury Marquis), pie chains, pie plates, and all of your baking cool tools. Keep your pies safe! Enjoy the holiday season baking and making forever interesting memories. Stop by and shop for your traditional holiday season culinary needs at 33 Railroad Place in Saratoga Springs. When you get a moment, raise a glass and proclaim: “Here’s Looking at you Bogie!” Remember my Foodie Friends: “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

Take Care, John & Paula