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The Rough & Tumble Road Leads to Caffe Lena Nov. 20

Mallory Graham and Scott Tyler AKA Rough & Tumble. Photo: Annie Minicuci Fine Art Photography.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Mallory Graham and Scott Tyler, collectively known as the Folk-Americana duo The Rough & Tumble have relentlessly toured since forming as a band in 2011. On Saturday, Nov. 20, they perform on the regional stage at Caffe Lena.  

“Living on the road full-time in a small camper, with two big dogs (Mud Puddle and Magpie Mae) for the last 8 years – until last week, when we settled in New Hampshire,” says Graham.  “We’re looking forward to spending more time in the Northeast.”

Show time is 7 p.m.on Nov. 20. Go to: caffelena.org.