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Forest Bathing, Indigenous Peoples’ Celebration Among Upcoming Events at Moreau Lake State Park

SARATOGA COUNTY — On Saturday, Oct. 15, from noon to 2 p.m. an Indigenous Peoples’ Celebration will take place at Moreau Lake State Park. There will be a presentation from an Indigenous person, spring water tasting, food, stories, a game and a craft in a learning session about the Native People who first inhabited the Saratoga Watershed. No registration is required, there is no charge, and all are welcome.  

Sunday, Oct. 16, at 9 a.m. Forest Bathing: Coined shinrin-yoku in Japan in the 1980’s, forest bathing is the ecotherapeutic practice of spending time immersed in nature, absorbing it with all the senses. The physiological and psychological benefits last for days afterward with the additional benefit of a new appreciation of our precious woodland and its inhabitants. This is a beginner- rated walk along the Nature Trail with long pauses to sit and enhance our awareness of our surroundings and it is approximately a 2-hour program. A small mat is beneficial to ensure a dry seat. Pay $5 per adult (cash or check) at the office upon arrival. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174.

Sunday, Oct. 16 at 1 p.m. Learn to Fish: This is a beginner program for kids of all ages to learn fishing basics, and practice right here in our lake. Pay $5 per adult and $1 per child (cash or check) at the office. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174.

Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. Knee High Naturalist. Knee High Naturalist is a program for ages 2-5 and their caretaker(s). We will read a story or two and then go outside for a short nature hike. Dress for the weather! The cost is $1 per child, this can be paid in cash or by check at the office upon arrival. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174.

Friday, Oct. 21 at 8 a.m.  Wiggly Wanderers. Wiggly wanderers is a new program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. This program has limited sign up available, please pre-register. Call 518-917-2174. Fee is 1$ per child.