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Schuylerville Elementary Creates Sensory Room

Schuylerville Elementary School’s new sensory room. Photo provided by the Schuylerville Central School District.

SCHUYLERVILLE — Schuylerville Elementary School has created a sensory room that serves as a therapeutic space for children with special needs. Paid for with funds from the federal American Rescue Plan grant, the room features soothing colors, combined with engaging technological furniture and other tech-based features.

“The sensory room was curated to counteract students who may feel overwhelmed or anxious,” said Director of Pupil Personnel Services Jordan Tezanos in a statement. “The calming environment will help students who experience these challenges on a daily basis.”

Marzullo said that in recent years, educators have gained a better understanding of sensory input that students require, sensory processing disorders, the need for breaks, and the need to be proactive when students are starting to disengage from their education. “If caught at the right time, we can get them back on track,” Marzullo said.