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Youth Helping Youth to Host Yard Sale to Benefit Charity    

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SARATOGA SPRINGS — Youth Helping Youth, or Youth2, is an organization that orchestrates collaboration  between youth and adults to brainstorm and execute ideas to help their community. Youth2 allows young people to take part in direct social action, encouraging them to continue doing charity work well into adulthood. Youth2 donates grant money to fund both existing and newly-created youth-led and youth-designed projects, helping citizens locally, nationally and globally.

On Friday, Oct. 14 Youth2 will be hosting a yard sale at 27 Excelsior Springs Ave.  in Saratoga Springs. The sale will be open from Friday, Oct. 14 to Sunday, Oct. 16 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. On Sunday from 2-4 p.m., items are free or with donation. Youth2  will have medical, office and household supplies, musical items, travel aids, new Christmas and holiday fare, sports clothes and equipment, tools, purses, hats, mittens, women’s and men’s clothing, baby items, bedding and more. Many items can be re-gifted and re-purposed.

Youth2 plans to give all proceeds from this event to the Brigid Alliance, the National Alliance on Mental Illness – a nationwide, grassroots mental health organization offering educational programs and advocacy for individuals and families,  New York State’s SNUG – a street outreach gun violence prevention program aimed at reducing and preventing shootings and gun violence and the Pitney Meadow Community Farm Trail. 

For more information, visit: www.youthsquared.org.