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Sept. 18: “Let us have Peace” at Grant Cottage

WILTON — U.S Grant’s presidential campaign slogan after the Civil War was “Let us have Peace” and on Sunday, Sept. 18, U.S. Grant Cottage marks International Peace Week, by hosting a special event featuring members of the Peace Corps and former Congressman Chris Gibson.

Grant was the general who led the first million-man army and won the Civil War, but he also knew that “Peace is not won; Peace is built.” Grant started the U.S. Department of Justice, rounded up 3,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan and prevented President Andrew Johnson from hanging Robert E. Lee for treason. Grant knew peace required reconciliation.

Siena College president, Dr. Chris Gibson will speak about his experiences as a combat veteran in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. Several Peace Corps volunteers, an army of a different sort, will speak of their experiences building peace with international service. 

Additionally, former Congressman Joseph Kennedy III will join the event by video, Grant Re-enactor Steve Trimm will portray Ulysses Grant as president, folksinger Dan Berggren, and several Returned Peace Corps Volunteers will share personal stories and experiences, while in service to different countries, around the globe.

The event takes place 2 – 4:15 p.m. Sept. 18 at Grant Cottage, Wilton. For more information, go to:  www.grantcottage.org.