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Nominations Open for Inaugural Poet Laureate of Saratoga Springs

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The city of Saratoga Springs, New York has begun the process of identifying and naming an outstanding poet as its inaugural Poet Laureate. This honorary designation will celebrate a local poet who can engage new audiences, create new opportunities for poetry to be shared, and encourage the creation of poetry and other literary works. The Poet Laureate will serve a term beginning Jan. 1, 2023. 

The Poet Laureate will build awareness and appreciation of poetry through public readings, workshops and presentations in neighborhoods, schools, libraries, and other public settings in diverse areas of Saratoga Springs. 

The selection of the Poet Laureate is based on submissions of the completed nomination forms, which will be reviewed by the Poet Laureate Committee, comprised of local arts and literature experts. Their selection of a nominee will be recommended to the Mayor of Saratoga Springs, who will announce the inaugural Poet Laureate in December 2022.

Poets may be self-nominated, or nominated by a colleague, organization, library, or writers’ group. Those interested in submitting a nomination for the position must meet the following criteria: Reside in Saratoga Springs for at least 12 months prior to the submission deadline; Be at least 21 years of age at the time of submission; Be actively writing, publishing, and presenting poetry; Have original poetry published in established (not self-published) poetry journals, magazines, or websites.

For the specified two-year period, the individual must be willing and able to promote poetry, design and implement a community service project, lead workshops and readings, and participate in other literary activities around Saratoga Springs and the region.

A link to the nomination/application form and guidelines may be found under “Boards and Commissions” on the City of Saratoga Springs website (Saratoga-springs.org) or by request to poetlaureatessp@gmail.com. Questions can be directed to poetlaureatessp@gmail.com