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Falling Prices: Be Careful What You Wish For

Deflation is a term that describes a decrease in the prices of goods and services in an economy. While this may sound like a good thing on the surface, in reality, deflation can have serious negative consequences for the economy as a whole.

One of the primary reasons why deflation is a bad thing is because it can lead to a decrease in consumer spending. When prices are falling, consumers may delay making purchases in the hope that prices will continue to drop further. This can lead to a decrease in demand for goods and services, which in turn can lead to lower production levels and layoffs in industries that rely on consumer spending. This decrease in consumer spending can create a vicious cycle, as lower demand leads to further price decreases, which in turn leads to even lower consumer spending. 

Deflation can also have a detrimental impact on businesses. When prices are falling, businesses may struggle to maintain their profit margins. This can lead to cost-cutting measures such as layoffs, wage cuts, and reductions in investment and expansion plans. This can have a negative impact on the overall health of the economy, as businesses are less likely to invest in research and development, which can stifle innovation and economic growth.

Deflation can also make it more difficult for individuals and businesses to repay their debts. When prices are falling, the value of assets such as homes and cars can decrease, making it more difficult for individuals to sell these assets to pay off their debts. This can lead to a rise in defaults and bankruptcies, which can have serious consequences for both individuals and the economy as a whole. 

Another negative consequence of deflation is that it can lead to a decrease in wages. When prices are falling, businesses may be hesitant to increase wages for fear of being unable to pass on these increased costs to consumers. This can lead to a decrease in disposable income for consumers, which can further depress consumer spending and lead to lower demand for goods and services.

Finally, deflation can lead to a decrease in investment and economic growth. When prices are falling, businesses may be reluctant to invest in new projects or expand their operations, as they may not be able to earn a sufficient return on their investment. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and economic growth, as businesses are less likely to invest in new technologies and processes that can drive economic expansion.

While deflation may sound like a good thing in theory, in reality, it can have serious negative consequences for the economy. From decreasing consumer spending and business profitability to making it more difficult to repay debts and stifling economic growth, deflation can have a wide range of negative impacts that can harm individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole. A modest level of inflation from year to year is necessary to help ensure the economy functions as it should. It is important for policymakers to be aware of the potential dangers of deflation and take steps to prevent it from occurring.

Stephen Kyne CFP® is a Partner at Sterling Manor Financial, LLC in Saratoga Springs.   

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