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My Compliments to the Chef

Hello my Foodie Friends!   

Think about how a compliment has affected you. It probably made you feel a little bit better than you already did. As most people know, being nice to someone goes a long way. Compliments work the same way; a compliment can really turn someone’s day around. While compliments may seem simple, they can have a large impact on you and the people around you, creating a ripple of positivity. Giving compliments is easy, socially productive and only gives positive feelings. It has no drawbacks. 

I love the name of our store “Compliments to the Chef.” When you enjoy great service at a restaurant, it’s easy to thank your server by leaving a generous tip. Thanking the kitchen staff for a great meal, however, is more of a gray area. Most people tell a server to send their “compliments to the chef,” but what does that even mean? In movies like “Ratatouille,” it’s a pivotal moment in the chef’s life. Chefs are artists and technicians, passionate about creating dishes that provide pleasure, comfort, and sustenance. They work in environments that are often intense and demanding, using their skills, creativity, and hard work to produce culinary delights. There is nothing like a meal prepared with love. It is even scientifically proven that food prepared with love and passion tastes much better. Chefs sometimes spend hours in the kitchen to prepare something delicious for you. It gives them a good feeling that their work is appreciated and they love to receive compliments for it (don’t we all?). At home or at a friend’s place, we do that easily. But in a restaurant, where the chef is hidden in his/her kitchen, it is more difficult.


Make the effort – even at a restaurant – to give the chef a sincere compliment. If you can’t tell them in person, maybe you can drop a card along with your payment? It will bring a smile to their face!

Whether they’re an acclaimed restaurant chef, a local bistro cook, or even a friend or family member who loves to share their culinary creations, chefs deserve recognition for their efforts. At Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store, we would like to compliment all of the chefs in our local community and to all of the chefs in our homes who show their love everyday by making our meals and creating those dishes that feed our souls. 

Make sure to “compliment the chef,” complement each other (it is ok). Find the good in something and let that person know about it. A compliment goes a long way. 

Remember my Foodie Friends, “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

Take Care, John & Paula
