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Help Save First Night and Fourth of July Fireworks!

SARATOGA SPRINGS — In an effort to sustain both the First Night and July 4th fireworks displays in downtown Saratoga Springs this year and into the future, the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce has created a Saratoga Springs Fireworks Fund. The Chamber is now seeking local businesses that want to see First Night and July 4th fireworks displays continue to become a sponsor or to make an online donation. All sponsorship funds and donations to the Saratoga Springs Fireworks Fund are tax-deductible as charitable donations. This is your chance to make a difference! The funds donated will be used solely to put on the fireworks this year on First Night and July 4th and hopefully for years to come. To donate, please visit secure.givelively.org/donate/ saratoga-county-foundation-inc/ saratoga-springs-fireworks-fund.