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School Safety: Prevention & Protection Are Not The Same Thing

The most recent letter to the editor by a former school board member reads that she “hoped the divisive rhetoric over school safety would abate.” Let’s be clear that the safety of our children, staff, educators and administrators is never an issue to move past, nor is it “rhetoric.” This former BOE member mentioned the myriad of district children facing isolation, bullying and intolerance while at the same time, stating that these are of much more concern to her than the “rare possibility” of a mass shooting. Unfortunately, the perpetrators who commit these heinous acts are by and large, individuals who have suffered from the aforementioned problems. Often times the criminal is someone who has been the victim of bullying, isolation or a known “outcast.” Moving towards another school board election we need to understand that prevention and protection are not the same thing. Continuing with increased mental health services and environments of inclusivity are key. Bullying should be eradicated and met with zero tolerance. However, protection is the only viable solution should a tragedy befall our community. I sincerely hope that our current, and future, BOE members do not see the issue of school safety as “rhetoric,” as that would be at the detriment and peril of our students and community. 

– Amy Baringer