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COVID-19 and Freelance Artists Resources & Opportunities

SARATOGA SPRINGS — An aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines has been developed by and for freelance artists and those interested in supporting the independent artist community.

The resources – highlighted by Upstate Alliance for the Creative Economy, or ACE, is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. Included are information for actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers and playwrights, photographers,
and others.

The links include artists’ readiness alert and the challenges of business interruptions, lists of emergency funding opportunities for artists, national crowdfunding and collective action efforts related to new funds set up specifically to relieve artists in financial crisis as a result of COVID-19, online arts sharing platforms as well as best practices for online teaching, learning, and gathering.     

That link is at:covid19freelanceartistresource.wordpress.com. 

ACE is a regional group of stakeholders representing Capital Region arts organizations, private corporations, philanthropists, economic development, chambers of commerce, non-profit organizations, financial organizations, media, and educational institutions. The stakeholders recognize creative enterprises are of vital economic importance in terms of employment, community empowerment, economic competitiveness, enhanced quality of life, and skill building – all leading to the community’s increased well-being.