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NYS Senator Calls for $10M ‘Equine Facility Disaster Relief Fund’

ALBANY — “A thriving equine industry is absolutely essential to New York State’s economy,” said Senator Daphne Jordan (R, C, IP, RFM), a member of the NY Senate Agriculture Committee, as she called upon Governor Andrew Cuomo to consider a $10 million ‘Equine Facility Disaster Relief Fund’ to help equine small businesses — including boarding, lesson, and rescue barns – as part of the forthcoming 2020-21 State Budget.

The relief package has been proposed by HORSEPOWER, Inc., the equine welfare policy organization. HORSEPOWER is working to educate the legislature about the financial realities of shutting barn operations down.

Senator Jordan said, “Establishing a $10 million ‘Equine Facility Disaster Relief Fund’ as part of the 2020-21 State Budget would help the estimated 1,860 boarding, lesson, and rescue facilities throughout New York who are hurting from the economic downtown caused by the coronavirus crisis.”

Last Sunday, as New York State moved to 100% closure of all nonessential businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, HORSEPOWER, Inc., began hearing from boarding stables concerned about the financial impact, and responded by putting together a proposal for relief that was shared with Agriculture Committee members in both houses.

Senator Jordan is listening to HORSEPOWER’s call for action: “New York’s horse farms, training centers, and riding stables preserve 1.3 million acres of open space across our state that is home to nearly 157,500 horses. The equine industry has a $4.2 billion positive effect on the state’s economy, has generated 33,000 full-time jobs, and equine commerce results in $187 million in state and local taxes. That’s significant revenue that New York state and local governments need now.”