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How Often Should You Visit Your Chiropractor?

Every year, more than 27 million Americans visit a chiropractor to receive an adjustment. 

There are a lot of benefits to chiropractic adjustments including pain management, improved performance and general health. In order to see the best possible results though, you should be seeing the chiropractor on a regular basis.

When most people think about visiting a chiropractor, they think about seeking treatment for back or neck pain. While chiropractors can help with these issues, they can help with many other health problems as well, including the following:

Fewer Headaches/Migraines
Many people who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines have found relief from regular chiropractic adjustments. Often, when the spine is misaligned, it can lead to pressure and tension throughout the body that manifests as a headache or migraine. Chiropractors can also provide people who suffer from headaches and migraines with techniques to use at home that will help keep them at bay.

• Improved Posture
These days, it’s not hard to find someone who’s posture is less than ideal. Chiropractic adjustments, combined with at-home stretching and strengthening exercises, can be very helpful to folks who suffer from scoliosis or other postural issues.

• Improved Athletic Performance
Many athletes receive regular chiropractic adjustments. Adjustments help to maximize range of motion, minimize inflammation and can speed up the recovery process, which is crucial for athletes who want to feel and perform their best during every game and practice session. 

• Stronger Immune System
Because it helps to minimize inflammation throughout the body, chiropractic care can help to strengthen the immune system and help improve the body’s ability to fight off infection.

Clearly, there are plenty of benefits that come with regular chiropractic adjustments. 
What exactly does “regular” mean, though? Do you need to visit the chiropractor once per day? Once per week? In short, it depends. The frequency with which you need to visit the chiropractor depends on a variety of factors, including the following:

• The specific condition for which you’re receiving treatment
• The severity of your symptoms
• How well you respond to and start seeing results from the adjustments

You will need to see a chiropractor on a more frequent basis when you first start seeking treatment. They may ask you to come in once a week or several times per week to be adjusted. Over time, though, as you start to respond to treatment and see results, you’ll be able to come in on a less frequent basis. Soon, you’ll get to the point where you only need to come in every few weeks or months for maintenance adjustments.

As the name suggests, maintenance adjustments are designed to help you maintain the results you’ve seen from your chiropractic adjustments.

Maintenance adjustments are very important if you want to see long-term results. They can help to keep your spine in proper alignment so that you don’t see a recurrence of your symptoms later on. When you visit the chiropractor for regular maintenance adjustments (usually on a monthly basis), they can also catch imbalances and misalignment issues early and correct them faster. This, in turn, will result in less discomfort for you. It’ll also prevent you from having to start at the beginning with another round of aggressive treatment.