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Stefanik Cosponsors the Local Journalism Sustainability Act

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, NY-21, is a cosponsor of the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, legislation that proposes a series of tax credits aimed at bolstering
local newspapers and media in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local newspapers were facing challenges before the COVID-19 pandemic, and now their challenges are especially unique.  The bill is supported by the News Media Alliance, National Newspaper Association, and many other groups. 

“Our local news outlets are so important to the North Country, especially in our more rural or isolated areas,” said Stefanik, in a statement. “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our news outlets, newspapers, and TV and radio stations have gone above and beyond to deliver up-to-date information to our North Country residents in a timely fashion. I am proud to be cosponsoring this bill to
support readers, advertisers, and publishers and keep local news media sustained. I look forward to advancing this legislation along with my House colleagues and supporting initiatives like this to keep local journalism thriving.”