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Saratoga PLAN: Two New Trails to Open Soon

GALWAY — Two new Saratoga PLAN trails in the Town of Galway are being readied to open to the public. They are: Barkersville Trails, in the hamlet of Barkersville, and Glowegee Creek North and South Trails.

The winding Barkersville trail system was previously grounds for sled-dog training and is a now-conserved 168 acre area. After a season of trail development, from scouting to clearing to trail marking, Barkersville Trails awaits a bridge installation and
kiosk information.

Glowegee Creek Trails, meanwhile, will connect a northern entrance on Old Mill Road to a southern entrance on Route 45. The trail crosses three parcels of conserved land thick with hemlocks, ferns, and wildflowers and winds alongside Glowegee Creek for a portion of the way. The South entrance parking lot awaits a final trash haul, kiosk, and parking lot access. Both Barkersville and Glowegee Creek locations are awaiting entryway signage.