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LWV of Saratoga Upcoming Candidate Forums

SARATOGA COUNTY ­­— The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County (LWV) is seeking questions from the public for upcoming Candidate Forums. The Forums will be recorded this year without an audience and be recorded and available the following day on YouTube and on the League’s website, www.lwvsaratoga.org

Questions should be emailed to vslwvsc@gmail.com and the pertinent Race should be placed in the subject line. There is no limit to the number of questions submitted. 

Assembly 112Oct. 13: Joe Seeman and Mary Beth Walsh.
Assembly 113Oct. 14: David Catalfamo and Carrie Woerner.
Assembly 114 – Oct. 14, Claudia Braymer, Matthew Simpson, and Evelyn Wood.
Congress 20 – Oct. 20: Liz Joy and Paul Tonko.

At this time, LWV is attempting to schedule Senate 43 Daphne Jordan and Patrick Nelson and Senate 49 Thearse McCalmon and Jim Tedisco. Questions are being accepted in anticipation of these event. Candidates will make opening statements, take questions submitted by the public and make closing statements. Go to www.Vote411 to see candidate information, background and responses to questions.

LWV, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence them through education and advocacy.