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Charter Change for Stronger Democracy & Inclusivity

While your attention to one-liner political signs and messages may be waning, especially those playing to fears not facts, you may still need some answers.

How is the proposed Saratoga City Charter an improvement to our democratic system? How is it better for you? 

Simply put, it gives people throughout the city equal power and equal voice. Each neighborhood would be represented. Every member of the City Council would have one purpose, to represent you, the constituents. 

Voting YES on the back of your ballot means:

• Easier, effective input from you on the issues you care about in your neighborhood, directly through your representative, with the accountability you deserve.
• A broader more diverse pool of candidates for office because they run to represent people and neighborhoods, NOT to manage city departments full time at a part time salary. 

The City isn’t mandated to review our charter again until 2028. We came within a few votes of charter change three years ago. More than 1500 residents asked for it to be on the ballot again. 

In the midst of a financial, economic and health crisis, we need A YES Vote to ensure a more democratic, stronger future for Saratoga Springs. 

– Joanne D. Yepsen, Former Mayor, Saratoga Springs