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A Day to Remember: Gaylord Brunell honored by Family and Community for his 90th Birthday

Earlier this week, Jill Chouinard orchestrated a surprise 90th birthday celebration for her father —  and one of Ballston Spa’s favorite sons, Gaylord Brunell. The ninety year-young Brunell was given a day to remember led by dignitaries from State and County level elected officials.

The Maple Avenue Fire Department was the scene of the event. State Senator Jim Tedisco and County Sheriff Michael Zullo made speeches crediting Gaylord for his years of service in his adopted home town and county.

Prior to the festivities, a parade led by police cars and fire trucks slowly made its way past Gaylord’s home on Rowland Street, attracting the many family members, friends, work associates and well wishers who braved the chilly weather to honor this American Original.

The day after Gaylords birthday bash this reporter was given the opportunity to sit down with him and learn of the journey that he took as a member of America’s Greatest Generation.

He spoke of his family moving From Altona, New York to this area when he was nine years-old. A decade later he found himself in war torn Korea.

Gaylord served with the 25th Division as a military policeman. The unit saw it’s share of action. Gaylord remembers the extreme cold that the soldiers faced. It was not uncommon to brave temperatures reaching twenty- five below zero Fahrenheit for extended periods of time.

When his tour was up Gaylord made the seven thousand mile trip back to Ballston Spa. His training as an MP would soon come in handy in a law enforcement career that would span four decades.

Not sure of his future, he headed out to California to visit his brother.

Gaylord decided to stay and took a job with AT&T. After a short stint with that company he decided  to head back home.

This move would lead to his first job as a police officer. In the late fifties he was appointed to the Ballston Spa Police Department. To his surprise he was informed that he had to purchase his own sidearm. Otherwise he would have to go on the job without one.

This was a stepping stone to his landing a position with the Saratoga County Sheriffs Department in 1962. He married his high school sweetheart shortly thereafter.

For the next twenty-five years Gaylord plied his trade on the county roads. In the early years only two sheriff’s deputies patrolled the entire county on the night shift. It was not uncommon to ride the roads on nearly bald tires.The department did not have the funding as it does today. Gaylord presented his case on needing new tires for his vehicle. After bartering back and forth with hire ups he settled for two new tires. It’s hard to fathom in todays world. Yet that was the state of affairs in a bygone era.

Gaylord reached the rank of Sargent during his tenure. After twenty-five years of Service he retired from the Sheriff’s Department in 1986.

Not one to sit on his laurels he started a new career as a construction worker. Then Gaylord was on to a fourteen year tenure with Pompas Brothers. There he specialized in commercial black topping jobs.

After that it was time for a well deserved retirement. His wife of fifty-five years passed away a short time ago. Gaylord stays active. He tends to a garden in his back yard during the Summer months. He still drives a car and fends for himself. He also keeps his property in pristine condition. This nonagenarian still has the get up and go of people half his age.

Gaylord’s biggest fan is his daughter Jill. They have a strong bond that is easily recognizable.

On a final note an interesting thing happened to Gaylord during the birthday festivities. County employees were able to locate his badge that was turned in when he retired many years ago. It was presented to him as a gift from his peers. Among the many gifts that he received this one had a special meaning to this law and order advocate.

Hopefully Gaylord will hit the century mark ten years from now. That should be a birthday party for the ages.