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“A Bellyful Of Sawdust” Live Talk with Artist Nov. 14

LAKE GEORGE — The Lake George Arts Project’s Courthouse Gallery presents “A Bellyful Of Sawdust,” a solo exhibition of recent work by Steven Rosenzweig. 

The exhibition will be installed in the gallery, and available for the public to view.  In place of an on-site gallery reception, LGAP will host a Live Talk with Steve Rosenzweig at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14. Zoom link to join the discussion:  Zoom Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/85774397697, or visit www.lakegeorgearts.org.

Rosenzweig’s materials include metal, wood, canvas, plastic, and paint. Working spontaneously, these materials are cut, bolted, burned, stretched, melted, or poured into works that are developed with no blueprint or specific plan. The pieces evolve as they are being constructed. Rosenzweig’s process relies in improvisation, essential for invention and discovery, as well as deliberation and precision, needed for constructing 3-D works on and off the wall.

The Courthouse Gallery is located at the side entrance of the Old County Courthouse, corner of Canada and Lower Amherst Streets, Lake George.  Hours during exhibitions are Wednesday through Friday 12 – 5 p.m., Saturday 12 – 4 p.m., and all other times by appointment. Note: Regular Gallery hours may change due to the COVID-19 health emergency.  For updates call 518-668-2616, or email laura@lakegeorgarts.org, or visit www.lakegeorgearts.org