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The Flower and Fruit Mission Continues Cookie Tradition Fundraiser

SARATOGA SPRINGS — For decades, the Flower and Fruit Mission has hosted a winter fundraiser called the Snow Ball, an annual event to kick off the holiday season and raise funds for Saratoga Hospital.  In years past, members would sell boxes of homemade cookies to raise additional funds for the hospital.  This year’s Snow Ball is cancelled due to the pandemic, but to keep the cookie tradition and continue to raise funds, the Mission is selling beautiful boxes of cookies baked by the Putnam Market. 

All orders must be placed by Dec. 4 and picked up Dec. 17-18. Supporters can buy cookies for themselves, as presents or donate them to local non-profits. To order cookies, go to:  the-flower-and-fruit-mission-of-saratoga-hospital-108936.square.site/s/shop.

The Flower and Fruit Mission was established in 1904 to raise funds for the William J. Hickey Woman’s Health Services of Saratoga Hospital.  Today, the Mission supports the hospital’s maternity unit and the general well-being of its staff and patients. 

Some recent contributions from the F&F Mission include a $30,000 donation to the Community Health Center to support the uninsured and underinsured of our community, the purchase of Noelle, a simulation program used to train doctors and nurses in crisis care of mothers and newborns, the purchase of new Billibeds, which allow treatment of jaundice babies. 

The Mission also supports nursing education through scholarships; The Philly Dake Memorial Award, given to a SSHS graduating senior pursuing a career in healthcare and The Mildred Rockwell Fund, $10,000 to pay for advanced educational opportunities for labor and delivery nurses at Saratoga Hospital.