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How to Start Exercising Safely

For most people, a new year symbolizes a fresh start and an opportunity to implement some resolutions for new habits.

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolution every year is to get in better shape. 
If you are one of the many people embarking on a new fitness routine, here are some tips to ensure your do so in a safe manor.

1. Pace yourself:
• Especially if you are just starting out, it is important to set realistic, attainable goals.Start small and gradually increase the intensity of each workout. Consult with your doctor to determine if a new exercise program is appropriate for your current fitness levels and if any modifications or precautions need to be taken. 

2. Hydrate:
• The key is to be properly hydrated before you even begin your workout, and then continue to replenish your fluid levels during and after your workout.

3. Don’t forget to warm up/cool down:
• This is a very important, yet often neglected part of every workout.  Stretching and gently going through the basic motions of your planned activity can help loosen up joints, warm up the muscles, and prevent potential injuries. 

4. Mix it up:
• Your fitness goals may be more specific like “get a six-pack.”  But that doesn’t mean you should do only ab exercises. Over-strengthening one muscle group and neglecting the rest can lead to major imbalances which can lead to injuries.  And mixing up your routine will help prevent boredom and make it easier to stick to your new habits.

5. Do it right:
• Set yourself up for success by having the right gear and making sure it fits/works properly.

• It is also important to make sure you are using the proper form while exercising.  If you’re not sure what that is, or if you’re doing it properly, seek help.  Most gyms have trainers on hand that can help get you on the right track.

6. Listen to your body:
• Don’t push through the pain. Rarely does a “no pain, no gain” mindset actually end up working in anybody’s favor.  Know your limits and honor them. If something doesn’t feel right go get it checked out by your doctor.

Dr. Kevy Smith Minogue is a chiropractor in Saratoga Springs providing non-surgical treatment of spinal disorders and sports-related injuries. For more information, please visit MySaratogaChiropractor.com or call 518-587-2064.