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Zieker Eye: Celebrating 10 Years in Business

WILTON — Zieker Eye is a full-service ophthalmology practice serving the Capital Region and North Country, including communities from Clifton Park, Saratoga Springs, Mechanicville, Glens Falls and Lake George. The Zieker Eye team includes Christopher Zieker, MD. and Steven Clark.

Q. Where are you originally from and how did you find your way to Saratoga? 
A. Both Dr. Zieker and Mr. Clark are from the Capital District. Dr. Zieker attended Albany Medical College and then returned to the area after completing residency on Long Island. Mr. Clark has lived in the region his entire life and attended the PA program at Albany Medical College as well. Dr. Zieker and Mr. Clark are brothers-in-law and decided the Saratoga Springs community was the right one to build their business and raise their children together. 

Q. When did you first know you were going into ophthalmology? 
A. During medical school Dr. Zieker realized he really enjoyed surgery and the ability to reverse blindness for patients. Mr. Clark started in ophthalmology when he was 18, as a technician, and was trained on the job. He loved learning the science of it, and being able to help people, so he decided to pursue his Physician Assistant degree to further that education, expand it into general medicine as well, and develop my own patient base.

Q. What kind of services are offered? Is there a specific area of specialization? 
A. Our practice focuses on medical, surgical, and general eye care. Dr. Zieker’s schedule is focused on cataract surgery primarily. 

With 10,000 new baby boomers each day there are a lot of patients noticing vision loss as a result of their cataracts. Dr. Zieker is trained on the latest technologies including femto-second laser and lifestyle lens implants that reduce a patient’s reliance on glasses while offering more ranges of vision. 

Mr. Clark sees many diabetic patients, glaucoma patients and treats many eye injuries as well. He also sees patients for their annual eye exams. Glaucoma for example is a slow, progressive and asymptomatic disease of the eye. It is painless and vision loss may not be noticed until the disease is already advanced. It is imperative people see their eye doctor as a part of their regular health check-ups so that diseases like glaucoma can be treated before it is too late.

Q. In the 10 years of being in business, how has technology changed?
A. There have been dramatic advances in technology over the past 10 years. Dr. Zieker offers patients cataract surgery using a femtosecond laser.  It emits bursts of laser energy at the extremely fast rate of one quadrillionth of a second. It is difficult to even imagine something so fast.  This laser offers more precise incisions with less damage to the surrounding tissue compared to those made with a blade. That leads to fewer complications which helps patients heal faster post-surgery. In cataract surgery the cloudy lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. We now have lenses that offer multiple focal points, such as near, intermediate and distance, thereby improving the range of vision. Essentially the trifocal glasses you wore in front of your eye can now be implanted into your eye. We also offer Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) which is an in-office procedure that reduces eye pressure in patients with glaucoma. The laser enables many patients to use fewer eye drops to manage their glaucoma and fewer drops means greater compliance.

Q. Is there a simple piece of advice you can offer people related to eye care?
A. Vision is affected by lifestyle choices just like other body systems are. Exercise, eating healthy, maintaining your blood sugars and blood pressure are all ways to ensure you have a lifetime of healthy vision. And wear those sunglasses! The sun can damage the eyes like is does the skin.

Q. Is there anything else you would like people to know?
A. We are so grateful to be celebrating 10 years in business in this community we love. Adirondack Trust Company provided us the financing we needed to start this business and we are forever thankful to them for their support from day one. Our patients, our families and our staff are supportive, kind and encouraging. We would not be here 10 years later were it not for all their support. We are a small, family-owned business (five family members all work here) and we feel that coupled with our fantastic staff has been a big key to our success. We have meaningful relationships with the optometrists we partner with, the patients we get to care for and the team members that we employ. 

Zieker Eye is located at 14 Mountain Ledge Drive in Wilton. For more information, call 518-450-1080, or go to: ziekereye.com.