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Pulling Out the Weeds: Making Room for New Growth

AS WE HEAD INTO SPRING, warmer weather and a season of more light, we may take a look outside at our lawns and flower beds and see that we have some work to do. 

Before you can make room for new growth you have to prepare the soil, clear out the old and have a vision for what you would like to plant.

If you feel stuck in old patterns and it feels like you are far away from the vision you have for what you want emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually, start clearing away the old.

One of the quickest ways to feel better about old habits is to start clearing out your physical space. Take small steps by clearing out a closet or drawer at a time and get rid of anything you don’t like or use.  This action step will help you feel less overwhelmed and anxious in every day life.

Once you have begun to work on your physical space, take some time to think about what you want to change in all areas of your life.  Start thinking about the people you spend time with and ask yourself if you feel refreshed and energized after time together.  If the answer is that you feel drained and grumpy, it’s time to pull the weeds and make room for healthier relationships in your life.

Part of growing and improving our mindset is to reflect on what we have outgrown.  Sometimes we hang onto the weeds because we think we have to, we feel guilty pulling them, or we are afraid to let go.

Any person, place or thing that keeps you from growing is a weed in your life.  Take inventory on your garden of the people in your life and begin to pull the weeds out. 

Spring is a time of renewed hope, energy and light.  Take the time you need this month to do an inventory of the weeds in your life and begin to pull them from the root.  Every time you deal with a weed in your life, you make room for new growth, opportunity, energy and joy. 


For more information visit www.fritzstanger.com or email fritzstanger@gmail.com