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The Finest Racing in the World

If you were raised here or have spent time in Saratoga during racing season, chances are that you know the jingle mentioned in the above title. The words have a special meaning to fans throughout the horse racing universe. Since its inception in 1863, Saratoga has strived to present “The finest racing in the world.” 

The track has played host to a myriad of the greatest horses that ever graced the American Turf. Man O’ War, Secretariat, Buckpasser, Kelso, American Pharaoh and so many enormously talented thoroughbred champions have thrilled generations of fans who have made their way to this Mecca of Racing. 

A once-in-a-lifetime earthshaking event, the onset of Covid-19, in effect derailed the entire sports world last year. Major League Baseball teams played their games in front of cardboard cutouts. Professional basketball and the NFL faced similar constraints. Horse racing was no exception to the new covid rules. There would be racing at Saratoga for wagering purposes only. The racing meet technically speaking took place at the Spa. Fans however would not be admitted to the track. As for its impact on the city, it may as well have been run on another continent. Saratoga like so much of America was a ghost town. The normally thriving hotels saw empty rooms and desolated parking lots. Restaurant owners were mostly relegated with to go orders. Despair and hopelessness became the norm. Then American ingenuity took command of the situation. It came in the way of a government-led coalition with pharmaceutical companies asked to do the impossible. In less than a year a miracle took place. A highly effective vaccine was created. Within six months it had brought the dreaded Covid to its knees. The sporting world along with the rest of society’s norms are thriving again. Which means as the following subtitle suggests.


The festivities are about to begin. Mark it on your calendar, Thursday, July 15, 2021. At 11 in the morning, the gates of the ancient racecourse will open again and the two-year hiatus will be over. Saratoga is primed for a season to topple all prior records. If history has taught us anything, it does repeat itself. 1946 was the last time the track reopened to the public in the post World War Two era. Opening day the fans came out in droves to welcome back the Grand Dame of American racing. Over 15,000 fans converged on the grounds. It was in that timeframe a massive crowd attended a weekday racing card. 

Changing times have made Saratoga more accessible with the advent of modern transportation, superior accommodations, and fabulous restaurants. This along with a city filled with wonders that have similarities to some of Europe’s great capitols has made Saratoga “The Summer Place To Be.” 

A walk down Broadway has the feel of the world’s greatest boulevard, the Champs Elysee. With it’s outdoor dining, the street musicians, and the huge crowds that are drawn here, one can sense the experience of Paris on a warm summer night. Close by is one of Saratoga’s more beautiful settings. Congress Park is a marvel of architecture and landscaping. It has an uncanny resemblance to Rome’s fabulous public grounds, the Villa Borghese. A stroll through the park leads to Union Avenue. With its staid mansions and wide expanse, it is the perfect setting leading to the racetrack entrance. 

Now it’s time for what Saratoga is famous for, horse racing on a grand scale. It’s opening day and the old stands will overflow with a crowd that is as diverse as the sporting world can offer. The paddock area will be filled with fans that enjoy the outdoor picnic tables. The clubhouse restaurants will be alive with those who appreciate a more traditional approach to a day at the races. The box seat area will play host to the dignitaries and hierarchy of the racing world. Here you can feel history. The great purveyors of the American Turf were at home here. The Whitneys, Vanderbilt and the Wideners once graced these same box seats during the glory years of the sport. The options don’t end there. Thousands of reserved seats are available for those who appreciate a fine view of the races in a relaxed atmosphere. Then there is the backbone of the racing game, the true horseplayer. He doesn’t care if he sits or stands. He’s not at the track for the food or the sightseeing. He comes from cities and towns across the country to try his luck at the Spa. This is the guy that goes out after the races, win or lose, has a bite to eat and a couple of drinks. He knows the score and won’t disappoint when it comes time to leave the tip. 

Expect to see them all this coming Thursday. The thrills begin at 1 p.m. It is now post time. The massive crowd awaits. The tension builds. The bell rings. The starting gate opens. And they’re off at Saratoga…