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Are You Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone?

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there…” – Author Unknown

The comfort zone is a unique place where one feels safe, in control, and content. Who wouldn’t want to stay there? A person who chooses to grow and evolve. That’s who!

So, what does it take to leave the zone?

1. Commitment
Resolving to remain on the growing edge of life, at any age.

2. Desire 
Seeking to identify meaningful ways to expand your lifestyle, attracting the new experience, people, and opportunities you’ve been hoping to find.

3. Willingness
Spontaneously opening up to new possibilities, giving yourself permission to try something new out of the ordinary. 

4. Confidence
Arriving at a place where you know you are ready and feel the task is achievable. Possessing a positive attitude and approach. 

5. Prepared
You’ve done your research to determine if your goal is realistic and how to proceed. At this juncture you need to be humble and ask for the emotional, technical, or physical support you need to be successful.

6. Opportunity
Are you looking for a once in a lifetime experience or seeking an ongoing experience? Sometimes you simply are unaware of what piques your interest until the right opportunity comes along. It may take the form of a group or venue. Other times, you may be the catalyst who initiates the process via a blog, newsletter, or a newly formed group. What truly matters is that you watch for clues and respond to opportunities that arise.

7. Acceptance
Be kind to yourself. Avoid forced outcomes, unnecessary pressure, and unrealistic expectations. Release control. Trust the process. Accept the outcome without judgement.

Remember growth takes time, patience, and persistence. If you enjoy a new activity, stick with it. Otherwise, move onto the next experience. Proceed at your own pace, build up your skills and confidence. Maybe start with a small step. Do something you feel very comfortable doing. Then move on to an unfamiliar task. 

There are not rules; it’s a growth process. 

Attitude is everything. 

This is the way I’ve always done it. I am not going to change. There is nothing new for me! VS. I’m choosing to open myself up to a new way of doing things. With the right information, tools, and support I can accomplish anything. There is a whole universe to be explored and enjoyed just waiting for me. 

The decision is yours This is your unique life.

Stay on the sidelines and play it safe, Or Take a leap of faith, try something new, and grow!

The Persian mystic Rumi one said, 

“When you go to a garden, do you look at thorns or flowers? Spend more time with the Jasmine.”

Step up! Step out of your comfort zone. I wish you a joyful, interesting …and fragrant life!