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Meet… Bob Wilson

It’s early morning at beautiful Saratoga Racecourse… 

A paddock area picnic table adjacent to his shoeshine stand is the perfect setting to discuss the colorful life of a Saratoga original, Bob Wilson. It’s been over a half century since he first set up shop. He is back and this is his story.

Our conversation brought us to 1969, when Bob continued a family boyhood tradition of mastering the art of shining shoes. His older brothers Harry, and then Floyd, preceded him for over a decade prior to Bob taking over the venture. He speaks fondly of his memories of Alfred G. Vanderbilt, who made frequent visits to get the professional shine that the Wilson brothers were known for. He was good for a two-dollar tip when a shine cost a mere forty cents.  Woody Stephens, trainer of five Belmont Stakes winners, was a repeat customer. Hall of Fame jockeys John Rotz and Eddie Maple were patrons as well. It wasn’t just owners, trainers and jockeys that lined up for a shine. The great musical genius Cab Calloway took a side trip to Bob’s stand, yet it was the regular guy that was the bulk of his clientele. 

This was the era when race goers came dressed for the occasion. Shorts were for the beach and sneakers were reserved for the basketball courts. Leather shoes finished off the look of distinction and Bob had the ingredients to make them shine. He fashioned a technique that he uses to this day. The leather is gently washed with his own formula, then the polish is applied to his exacting measurements. Now it’s time for the finishing touch. He maneuvers the polishing cloth with precision. His hands are quick, yet pliable. Bob works the cloth like Sandy Koufax would work a no-hitter. With that the pro’s job is complete. The customer glances down. He has a slight smile on his face when he sees a pair of shoes honed to perfection. The scene is played out over and over throughout the meet.

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There is much more to Bob’s story than his shoeshine expertise. He is a retired Air Force veteran of twenty years who served at military bases throughout the world. He was a part of Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War. His son Bob Jr. has taken service to his country one step further. He served four tours of duty in Afghanistan. Bob is a proud father and an American patriot. On occasion he shows his love of country wearing shirts that portray the colors of the American flag. He mentioned that he would like nothing more than to sing the National Anthem here at the track. Bob wants to dedicate it to his son and all our troops in harm’s way. In jest I asked him if he would audition his voice for me. He belted out the first verse of the anthem. I was stunned as to how well he sang it. I am no Simon Cowell, but I can tell you this, he deserves the honor that he aspires to.

If you are at the track in these remaining days of the meet, Bob and his stand are a familiar sight adjacent to the Racing Secretary’s office. Some of the sharpest handicappers on the grounds can be found at chairs close by. Whether you need a shine or just would like to say hello, Bob Wilson will welcome you and make you feel like a winner. 

Bob made a comment that I think is worth passing on. Bobby Flay stopped by his stand one day earlier in the meet. Bob explained to him that “I shine shoes like you put out a plate of food.” Having watched Beat Bobby Flay on more than one occasion and witnessed Bob Wilson’s shoe shining expertise, I can attest to the validity of the statement. They are both the masters of their trade.

In closing I would like to say that Bob is one of a kind. He has a world of knowledge, especially when it comes to New York Giants football. Former Giants head coach Bill Parcells found Bob’s grasp of the game impressive. The two enjoyed their share of conversations discussing the team’s progress. Bob loves the time he spends at the racetrack. The lure of the horse racing scene is in his blood. He says proudly that there is nowhere that he would rather be. If all goes well Bob plans on heading to sunny South Florida this winter to ply his trade at Gulfstream Park. He will be back at the Spa for the 2022 meet. His many friends and acquaintances will surely celebrate his return.