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Lake George Arts Project Presents

The Lake George Arts Project’s Courthouse Gallery presents Nature Songs, a solo exhibition of paintings by Yeachin Tsai. The exhibition runs from Sept. 29 – Oct. 30. The Courthouse Gallery is planning a gallery reception 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2. 

Yeachin Tsai’s art swings between the seen world of rhythmic colors and forms, and the unseen world of momentum and energies. While growing up in Taiwan, Tsai studied traditional Chinese brush painting and calligraphy, and she would later incorporate that training into her work after moving to New York. Rather than building up a painting surface, she creates a surface that soaks in paint – canvases prepared with grounds that behave like traditional rice paper, pulling the paint in. 

Learn more about her work at www.yeachintsaifineart.com. The Courthouse Gallery is located at the side entrance of the Old County Courthouse, corner of Canada and Lower Amherst Streets. For more information about the gallery and hours of operation, go to: www.lakegeorgearts.org