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“Mamele” Film Discussion Oct. 17

SARATOGA SPRINGS — A Zoom panel discussion of the film “Mamele,” starring Molly Picon, will take place at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 17.

Mamele belongs to Molly Picon, “Queen of the Yiddish Musical,” who shines as mamele (little mother), the dutiful daughter keeping her family intact after the death of their mother.  She’s so busy cooking, cleaning, and matchmaking for her brothers and sisters that she has little time for herself – until she discovers the violinist across the courtyard. 

Mamele, shot in 1938 Poland and set in Lodz, is a musical comedy drama embracing the diverse gamut of interwar Jewish life in Poland, with its “nogoodniks” and unemployed, nightclubs and gangsters, and religious Jews celebrating Sukkot. It was the last Jewish film before the Nazi onslaught. 

The event is presented by Saratoga Jewish Community Arts, with a grant from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern N.Y. and sponsored by Temple Sinai. 

The film is in Yiddish with English subtitles and can be viewed on YouTube and other streaming sites.

Registration is required at sjca.sjcf@gmail.com.  www.saratogajewishculturalfestival.org and www.saratogasinai.org