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Local Librarian, Old-Time Banjo Player Hits Caffe Lena Stage with a New Book And Show

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Local librarian and old-time banjo player Dan Hubbs – who has published a book inspired by his work as a building superintendent in Tribeca in the early 1980s – bring a live show to the Caffe Lena stage next month. 

The new poetry book, “Downtown Super Tells All,” provides the inspiration for the live performance on Nov. 13, when he will be joined by Frank Orsini (fiddle, mandolin) and JP Hubbs (keyboards).

These shows are produced by the Folklife Center of Crandall Public Library, with the support of the New York State Council on the Arts. The publication of the book – edited by local writer Mary Jablonki and with cover art by local artist Rumara Jewett- and the musical series are made possible by a grant from the Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust.

The live event takes place 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13. Note, Caffe Lena has returned to full capacity, and In order to ensure everyone’s safety the café is requiring proof of vaccination for all attendees.

For more information, go to: www.caffelena.org