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Legislation Supporting Dependent Adult-Aged Children with Disabilities Is Signed Into Law

SARATOGA — Legislation to help families of dependent adult children with developmental disabilities continue receiving child support payments past the age of 21 has been signed into law.

Assembly members Carrie Woerner, D-Round Lake, and Mary Beth Walsh, R-Ballston, both sponsored the legislation. 

“This critical, common-sense piece of bi-partisan legislation will help the custodial parents of dependent adult-age children with disabilities support and provide for their families,” Woerner said in a statement. “The needs of children with disabilities extend beyond the age of majority, and child support payments can be a lifeline for custodial parents to care for and meet the needs of their children.”

The legislation recognizes that just because a child or adult child dependent reaches the age of 21, their day-to-day needs do not end. A young adult with ID/DD may need more time and support to achieve his or her ‘best life,’ whether through employment, education, training, or housing. The legislation will extend the support responsibility for both parents to the age of 26, in order to ensure these needs continue to be met.