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Commissioner Dalton Advocates for Greenbelt Protection Amendments in Advance of City UDO Vote

SARATOGA SPRINGS — After many years of preparation, the City Council is expected to vote in mid-November on the Unified Development Ordinance, or the UDO – a document which provides regulations that define the city, its neighborhoods and the greenbelt. 

In advance of that vote, Public Safety Commissioner Robin Dalton has released a statement warning the UDO, as currently written, does not do enough to preserve the rural character of the greenbelt and natural areas. Dalton is advocating for the adoption of four amendments proposed by Sustainable Saratoga that she says, “will strengthen the protections for the ‘country’ part of our ‘City in the Country.’”

According to Dalton, the amendments limit some of the more intensive uses and uses that will draw people away from the city’s urban core, as well as provide additional details to strengthen rural character guidelines. For more specific information detailing the proposed amendments to the UDO, go to: sustainablesaratoga.org. 

The final council vote on the UDO is anticipated to take place Nov. 16.