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Season of Gratitude

There are many of us who take for granted the abundance of clothes we wear, the beautiful homes where we live and the warm meals we eat every day. For the majority of us, we all desire to have nice things. But there is a forgotten discrepancy between wanting things and really needing things.

Part of my job as a designer is sourcing new products and shopping for clients. A day not long ago, I was out browsing the market and overheard a conversation between a salesperson and a woman expressing her “need” for a new pair of earrings for herself. I am not sure if it was the tone of her voice or how she stated her “need,” but it struck a nerve.

Before we enter the hustle and bustle in the weeks ahead, try taking a few minutes to reflect on these last couple of years. Think twice while you make your lists of things you may “want” to prepare your home for this upcoming holiday season.

I have always been a huge fan of repurposing and reusing. Gather your older decorations and that wreath you have collecting dust in the attic. Pull them all apart and look at new ways of using them before running to the store to purchase all new, or simply replace your old bow for a new one. Setting a beautiful table for guests to appreciate does not always mean breaking out your fine China and heirloom pieces. Pair your everyday simple white plates, white linens, and lots of white candles together. Hand written appreciation notes to each place card will add an unexpected special touch. Have each guest read aloud their own card during dinner and ask them what they are most thankful for. Look to nature for inspiration to complete your table. Place vases filled with apples, pears, and tree branches alongside the candles already spread on the table. Lastly, spread scented pine cones all around the table for aesthetics and aroma.

Be mindful in preserving old family traditions; they are sacred and need to be passed on from generation to generation. Making new traditions are just as important…my family enjoys relaxing by the fire, listening to vinyl records on our repurposed victrola.

Another recommendation, have guests make an effort to get unplugged for the day. Place a basket in your foyer with a sign reading welcome to our unplugged thanksgiving! We kindly request that you leave your cell phones at the door and enjoy each other’s company. Lastly, decorate from your heart. Remembering the importance of being thankful and blessed for family, friends, and ourselves, not only this season but each and every day.